A Bridge Between Humanitarian Actors

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Who we are

About ICVAtest...

ICVA is a global network of non-governmental organisations whose mission is to make humanitarian action more principled and effective...
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Who we are

Members info...

Established in 1962 by a small coalition of refugee and migration focused non-governmental organisations (NGOs), ICVA has grown into...
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Download the full 2019-2021 Strategy

The vision of ICVA is a world in which crises-affected populations are effectively protected, assisted, and enabled to rebuild their lives and livelihoods with dignity.


ICVA Resources

Read all resources, documents and more. Source within our website to find out the latest informations regarding the NGOs environment and the laws that regulates them.

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External Source
20 May, 2021
ICVA Statutes March 2018
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Nam fringilla nibh sapien, ac tempor mi porta eget. Fusce lectus erat, tincidunt id quam nec, auctor elementum mauris. Nulla nibh mi, elementum at risus ac, aliquam commodo nisi. Integer tincidunt metus erat, ac pulvinar lorem pretium eu

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Meeting Materials
3 May, 2021
Im venis dolores id que ni te as que laut pernam, odissitatem quaspel int
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Nam fringilla nibh sapien, ac tempor mi porta eget. Fusce lectus erat, tincidunt id quam nec, auctor elementum mauris. Nulla nibh mi, elementum at risus ac, aliquam commodo nisi. Integer tincidunt metus erat, ac pulvinar lorem pretium eu.

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16 January, 2015
ICVA 2014 Annual Conference
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28 August, 2014
Test meeting
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ICVA's Bulletin

Our updates and messages to keep you up to date
View all Bulletins of the year